How To Use Guerrilla Marketing Strategies In Digital Marketing


Guerrilla Marketing Strategies In Digital Marketing


The concept of Guerrilla Marketing derived from very strategic warfare known as Guerrilla Warfare. It is a surprise marketing strategy.

It is an unconventional low-cost marketing strategy that focuses on a wide range of brand awareness through very creative concepts and tactical execution processes.

Guerrilla marketing is an innovative, eye-catching tactic that seeks to make an everlasting impression on the public while using the least amount of financial resources possible.

Unlike traditional marketing, digital guerrilla marketing develops deep emotional connections with customers through non-traditional channels including digital events and social media experiments.


Top 13 Types of Guerrilla Marketing Strategies


1. Ambush Marketing:

The term Ambush Marketing was first coined by Jerry Welsh. The meaning of “Ambush” is a surprise attack on people from a concealed position.

Here a company makes a marketing strategy in such a way that without paying a penny to an organized and sponsored event this particular company can utilize the momentum of the event to generate huge publicity for its brand name.



At the event of the Coca-Cola Cup Cricket Final, a Pepsi hot air balloon was flying above Sharjah.


2. Astroturfing:

Astroturfing marketing strategy involves creating an artificial image and fabricated message relating to a brand, product, or service as a promotional stunt. This marketing campaign includes fake reviews, artificial feedback, suggestions, and comments to create an impressive image of a brand.


3. Buzz Marketing:

Buzz marketing is to use a “WOM” play card which is known as “Word Of Mouth” publicity. Through Buzz marketing campaigns marketers try to touch the audience beyond their target group. The motto of Buzz marketing is to create content in such a way that it can be the talk of the town so that the message or news about the brand or product can spread over beyond its target market. This strategy helps to improve brand positioning.


4. Experiential Marketing:

By utilizing interactive techniques, this marketing plan readily draws customers’ attention, increases customer engagement, and establishes a loyal bondage between the brand and its target audience.

Businesses employ the tactic and engage with clients in person to build emotional connections, long-lasting memories, positive impressions, etc. It improves client relationships with a brand over time and increases customer lifetime value. The technique entails planning a variety of offline events, such as in-store activities, shows, and samplings, which assist brands in connecting with consumers, better understanding their needs and challenges, learning valuable knowledge from them, and developing dependable connections with their audience.


5. Grassroots Marketing:

The name itself depicts the strategy. In grassroots marketing, strategy marketers aim at absolutely niche-oriented grassroots-level audiences and build an everlasting relationship with them through value-added product features and proactive customer service. The motto is to make this handful of target audience addicted to their brand so that they can be advocates to promote their brand further.


6. Stealth Marketing Or Undercover Marketing:

A Stealth marketing strategy is when you are marketing a product or brand to the target audience in such a way that people will never come to know that the company is chasing them very tactically to buy the product. It’s a method of promoting a brand product or service without the knowledge of the target audience.


7. Street Marketing:

Unconventional methods are used in street marketing to advertise or promote goods and companies in public places. The fundamental objective is to get customers to remember and recall the advertised brand or product.

Street marketing is a kind of guerrilla marketing that refers to all advertising done in streets and open spaces including parks, streets, and events. Street marketing also includes outdoor advertising, such as that found on shopping carts, public restrooms, the sides of cars or other forms of transportation, manhole covers, sidewalks, trash cans, etc.


8. Ambient Marketing:

Through ambient marketing strategy, marketers use the surroundings or ambiences of a particular location or a place to promote a brand. Most of the time marketers select an unusual place or location and people cannot think about its presence. Very often marketers make videos of ambient marketing and use those videos on PPC ad platforms.


9. Wild Posting:

Wild posting advertising may lead you to believe it’s a recent development in marketing, but it’s been around for a while. Wild posting marketing, often known as fly-posting, applies to posters that are hung on buildings’ sides, fences, walls, lamp posts, shop fronts, and essentially any other surface that may be covered.

It’s difficult to miss these structures because so many people drive or walk by them every day, making this a terrific way to advertise. While less populous places also use wild posting advertising, major centres like cities and busy towns benefit the most from it.


10. Reverse Graffiti:

Reverse graffiti is an artistic marketing strategy where marketers use street art and wall art graffiti to showcase the marketing messages in a twisted way.

Like making reverse graffiti by writing on a dirty street “Clean Me”, here you are conveying the message in a twisted way by using graffiti art form.


11. Viral Marketing:

Viral marketing refers to any method that encourages the target audience to share an advertising message with others most of the time through various social media platforms, thereby increasing the message’s visibility and influence. Increase your chances of exponential growth. Outside of the Internet, viral advertising and marketing have been called “word of mouth,” “promotion creation,” “media use,” and “network marketing,” also known as “viral advertising and marketing.”

Viral marketing strategy relies on rapid replication to spread messages by millions of people.


12. Moment Marketing:

Moment marketing is taking advantage of ongoing event news or topics and developing a creative marketing campaign related to the event to make an immediate impact on the target audience’s mind. In moment marketing the marketers deliver the right message at the right time maintaining relevancy with the ongoing event news or topic.


13. Presume Marketing:

Presume marketing is playing with target audiences’ assumptions about a brand or end product in a very clever and strategic manner. Very often people assume that this brand will be like this or like that based on previous experience research or references and tend to buy the product based on their assumption, here is when the marketers take this customer behaviour as an opportunity and use a presumed marketing strategy to promote and market their brands.


Jaw-Dropping Digital Guerrilla Marketing Strategies

Guerrilla marketing is an advertising technique that uses unusual tactics to surprise and captivate clients, with a focus on creativity and innovation. It may be used in digital marketing to provide memorable experiences and increase brand awareness. Here are some tips for efficiently using guerrilla marketing methods in digital marketing.


Viral Social Media Campaigns:

Using guerrilla marketing techniques you can generate disruptive material that has the potential to become viral by utilizing social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. By making captivating images, motion pictures, and memes you can astonish the viewers.


Interactive Online Experiences:

You can provide memorable, immersive online experiences through interactive websites and applications. To promote user engagement and knowledge sharing, you can also start interactive challenges, contests and quizzes on social media. This kind of interactive material encourages the target audience to engage, like, share, subscribe and distribute the content which in turn increases brand awareness and conversions.

Influencer Collaborations:

Digital Guerrilla marketing is a strategy used by companies to efficiently reach their target audience by collaborating with important influencers to promote products or services. Their genuineness and reliability can increase the company's reputation and customer interest. These influencers have a devoted following on social media, blogs, or YouTube channels. Influencers should be selected by brands whose ideals coincide with their own and appeal to the target audience. Successful collaborations may boost brand awareness, engagement, and revenue.


Digital Ambush Marketing:

Without formal sponsorship or authorization, businesses use Ambush Marketing as a tactic to increase visibility and capitalize on the excitement around big events. Digital Ambush Marketing can be done through prominent advertising efforts, undercover product placements, and online guerrilla techniques. This strategy enhances a competitor's brand exposure and awareness, while also offering a competitive edge by disrupting official sponsor messages. Digital Ambush Marketing techniques can be used during trade shows, festivals, or the introduction of new products. Marketers use various PR tools to execute ambush marketing strategies.


Virtual Flash Mobs:

An organized gathering of people performing spontaneously in a public setting, usually online, is called a virtual flash mob. They create curiosity and excitement, which builds hype and interest in a business. To promote a feeling of community and brand loyalty, participants can take part in events like songs, dance and creative tasks.


Online Challenges:

You can make use of online challenges as entertaining, thought-provoking campaigns to get people to interact and share their stories. The challenges can be artistic or physical. A distinctive hashtag expands your digital marketing campaign reach, which helps in attracting future clients.



Digital guerrilla marketing is an innovative advertising and branding strategy where an organization disrupts and amplifies competitors' events to generate buzz about its products and services on a limited budget.

Thus Digital Guerrilla Marketing plays a very crucial role in creating brand awareness and reaching a maximum number of people by creating a buzz in the marketplace in a cost-effective way.

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