What Is Keyword Cannibalization?


Keyword Cannibalization

Table Of Content
  • What Is Keyword Cannibalization?
  • How Keyword Cannibalization Can Affect Your Website Ranking?
  • How Do You Detect Keyword Cannibalization?
  • How To Resolve The Keyword Cannibalization Issue?
  • Conclusion

What Is Keyword Cannibalization?

In the realm of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), keywords play a vital role in determining the visibility and ranking of websites. However, some websites inadvertently damage their rankings by succumbing to a phenomenon known as keyword cannibalization. In this article, we will delve into the concept of keyword cannibalization, its impact on website ranking, and effective ways to address this issue.

Keyword cannibalization is when multiple pages on a website are optimized for the same or similar set of keywords. This results in the pages competing against each other for visibility in search engine results pages. As a result, search engines may find it challenging to determine which page should be prioritized, leading to inefficiencies and confusion.

How Keyword Cannibalization Can Affect Your Website Ranking?

Keyword cannibalization poses several negative consequences for website ranking. Firstly, it dilutes the SEO efforts of a website. Instead of having one strong page optimized for a specific keyword, multiple weaker pages end up competing with one another. As a result, search engines may struggle to choose the most relevant page to display, leading to a drop in overall ranking.

Furthermore, keyword cannibalization may also confuse search engine algorithms, making it difficult for them to properly categorize and index the website's content. This confusion can lead to reduced visibility in search engine results, resulting in missed opportunities for organic traffic.

Finally, keyword cannibalization can impact the user experience. When users see multiple pages from the same website appearing in search results, they might be unsure which page to click on. This can lead to frustration and decrease the chances of users engaging with the website.

How Do You Detect Keyword Cannibalization?

Identifying which pages on your website have been optimized for the same keyword or search term is the initial phase of resolving keyword cannibalization. To address the issue of keyword cannibalization, several steps can be taken:

Keyword Research: 

Thoroughly research and analyze keywords to identify which ones are most relevant to each page of the website. This will help avoid overlap and ensure that each page targets a specific set of keywords. You can use Google Search Console to find out the same keywords or similar terms.

Content Audit: 

Conduct a comprehensive content audit to identify and analyze the existing pages that may be affected by keyword cannibalization. Evaluate the content and keywords targeted on each page and make necessary adjustments. To perform a content audit using various SEO tools like Google Search Console, SEMrush, Ahrfs, etc.

Google Search Audit:

Now enter "site: your website URL" in Google Search to find out which pages on your website are targeting the same term in Google Search results.

How To Resolve The Keyword Cannibalization Issue?

Page Consolidation:

If multiple pages are targeting the same keyword, consider consolidating them into a single, comprehensive page. This will help eliminate competition and provide a stronger and more focused page for search engines to rank. Keyword cannibalization has got a very negative effect on your online business presence if you are using SEO for business growth

Internal Linking: 

Implement a thoughtful internal linking strategy that helps search engines understand the website's structure and hierarchy. This will help ensure that each page is properly connected and can be ranked for its targeted keywords.

Modifying Same Pages:

Keyword cannibalization is detrimental to SEO as it wastes crawled budget and decreases conversion rates. Instead of redirecting visitors to the page with the best conversion rate, it's better to have one page for each keyword and its variations. This ensures the page has the most authority from search engines and the best chance of ranking higher and generate high web traffic

Removal Of Irrelevant Pages:

To optimize search results, remove non-target pages instead of merging articles, as they may unknowingly target similar keywords. In some cases, do nothing, especially if they fulfil different search intents.

Content Strategy:

Always stay away from keyword cannibalization, website owners should conduct thorough keyword research and develop a comprehensive content strategy. Each page on the website should have a unique focus and set of keywords that are relevant to its specific topic. It's also important to ensure that internal linking is done strategically, without over-optimizing anchor text. It is a crucial part of the On-Page-SEO strategy.

By taking a more thoughtful approach to keyword targeting and content creation, website owners can ensure that their pages rank higher in search engine results pages. This not only helps to avoid keyword cannibalization but also ensures that each page can attract the right audience and deliver the best possible user experience. Ultimately, this can lead to generating high website traffic, engagement, and conversions, helping to drive business growth and success.

Regular Monitoring: 

Continuously monitor the website's performance in search results using analytics tools. Identify any instances of keyword cannibalization that may have occurred or reoccurred over time and make necessary adjustments.


Keyword cannibalization is a common issue that can negatively impact a website's ranking and all kinds of SEO efforts such as  Local SEO, Technical SEO, off-page SEO and on-page SEO. By understanding and addressing this issue, website owners and digital marketers can optimize their websites for better visibility, increased organic traffic, and improved user experience. Through thorough keyword research, content audit, page consolidation, internal linking, and regular monitoring, the harmful effects of keyword cannibalization can be mitigated, leading to better search engine rankings and overall digital success. To resolve keyword cannibalization you can seek the help of a professional SEO Expert if such a need arises.

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